Business Proposal – Router Security Team
Context: Bangalore-based software development centre of an MNC wanted to add a dedicated team to strengthen the security of their IP product line. This proposal was made to present the business case, and seek approval from the HQ. Proposal was successful and a dedicated security team was set up in Bangalore.
Introduction to Fog Computing
Sonali_Raval_Work_Sample _Fog_Computing
Context: A VP of Engineering (R&D) presented this at a knowledge sharing forum for mid-level ICT engineers. Objective is to build the speaker’s and organization’s brand as a forward thinking Internet of Things (IoT) player.
Software Release Management
Sonali_Raval_Work_Sample _Software_Release
Context: VP in charge of Software Development at an ICT MNC wanted to explain the lifecycle of Software Product Management to freshly minted engineers. The creative challenge was to engage a young audience, and help them enjoy a topic that can be perceived as staid and possibly irrelevant. I decided to utilize a cartoon based visual theme and animations to make the speech engaging, and also brought into play the world’s favourite plumber.
Sonali_Raval_Work_Sample _Leadership_Philosophy
Context: CEO of an ICT MNC was invited to share his leadership story, and inspire other aspiring leaders. The presentation I put together for him is extremely cinematic, serving as a simple backdrop to his words. The creative challenge here was to maintain a delicate balance, making the visuals powerful enough to aid the story, and not so overpowering that these take attention away from the speaker.